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Cleanliness is just a good idea

If I’m going to poke fun at goofy signs, it’s only fair that I applaud the ones I like:


Everyone should wash their hands

Employees must


I found this nugget of wisdom on an unassuming, hand-lettered wooden plaque in the restroom at Antidote Coffee (729 Studewood St, Houston). It’s a refreshing change from the standard-issue health department signs that you see all over the place. I like the reasonable tone, the gentle admonishment that could be spoken by your grandmother, or maybe a patient nursery-school teacher.

“We want you to wash your hands because we care about you,” it seems to say. “Oh, and if you work in the kitchen, we really must insist. Thanks for being so understanding. Have a great day!”

Little-known Fact About Your Cell Phone

You don’t have to answer it every time it rings. A lot of my friends and acquaintances appear to be unaware of this fact, so I thought I would bring it to everyone’s attention here.

© 2007 Edward F. Gumnick