I’ve changed the settings for the blog so that you no longer have to be a registered user to comment on articles. I don’t know if that requirement was holding anyone back, but it seemed to be an unnecessary restriction.
Updated Settings for Posting CommentsI’ve changed the settings for the blog so that you no longer have to be a registered user to comment on articles. I don’t know if that requirement was holding anyone back, but it seemed to be an unnecessary restriction. 4 comments to Updated Settings for Posting Comments |
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Dear Edward,
I happened to be thinking of you tonight. I was once your friend for a short time in the ninth grade. I am a violinist and a minister now. Do you remember me?
I remember you fondly from so many years ago. I played Atari video games when they first came out on your TV in your living room.
Anyway, I thought I would say “hi”
Maurice (Maury) Sklar
Great to hear from an old friend! (I’ve sent you an e-mail.)
For anyone who’s doing the math to triangulate my age from “ninth grade” and “Atari games when they first came out,” don’t forget that I was a child prodigy. I was in ninth grade by the time I was 4-1/2 years old.
Well Ed,
I have looked at this for only five minutes and I feel I must go and take a shower. It is not because I feel dirty, I feel that I must invigorate myself to get the things done that I need to do today. I would use the term Herculean in connection to your blog, but I shall refrain, and wait for inspiration and a more unique, difficult to understand term. Perhaps the shower will help.
I have not even spent five minutes yet on the other two blogs you mentioned last Friday, but I shall. Presently, my own blog is being neglected, not unlike my intellectual stimulation generally, but my return to promoting my practice after almost a year’s absence is at the very least–daunting. In my (the) day, quality and reputation sufficed, at least that is what I felt was keeping me busy—never an announcement or a doctor to lunch for straightforward or subliminal accomplishment. Ed, surely good fortune or being blessed were at work. Too many instances of misfortune and damnation(tongue buried in cheek for both previous sentences).
Off to shower and to “market.” If I am apprehended naked by the police, someone locate me and provide shelter. Intellectual stimulation alas, I have one place now where I can direct my attention readily with my “free time.” I shall now, make some time, no matter how scarce to “visit” you. I just now, right now,as writing, saw your reference to my blog…..thanks, indeed! The several hours we spent together Friday afternoon eating between conversation, mere bites between conversation literally, was delicious, and primarily food for friendship and thought. Gustatorial delight, and oh yes, intellectual stimulation, not to mention, a comedic trapse around the world!
Keep up the good work, Ed.
Yours in faith, the ones we share,
Thanks for stopping by! You don’t have to catch up on my blog all in one sitting. I’ll be glad to give you until the end of the week.