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Welcome, fellow keepers of secrets and tellers of lies

I’d like to welcome some new readers—my classmates in the Spectrum Center’s “Secrets & Lies” writing workshop. Thank you for sharing your work and giving me the opportunity to share mine with you. And we owe many thanks to the instructor, Max Regan, for all of the useful feedback and fresh ideas for improving our writing.

© 2007 Edward F. Gumnick

Language Learning

I’ve always enjoyed learning foreign languages. Between sixth grade and graduation from college, I studied a total of 12 academic years of various languages—Spanish, French, Italian, German, Latin, and Ancient (Attic) Greek. During my high-school and college travels abroad, I eagerly absorbed a few words of several others. I can count to five in Rumanian, say “thank you” and “goodbye” in Polish, and ask “What is your telephone number?” in Dutch. A high-school friend taught me how to say “Would you like to take a shower with me?” in German, but I’ve never had occasion to use it.


Mastery of Learning

In the last several years, I’ve spent a lot of time exploring ways to broaden my understanding of the Universe and of my little corner of it. One way that’s produced striking results was a course I took last summer called Mastery of Learning. It’s taught by Chris Welsh, whom I met by way of Mattison Grey, a client, coach, and friend of mine. (You’ll read about Mattison in future blog postings.)

Chris calls Mastery of Learning “an evolutionary program designed to rekindle your curiosity and give you the tools to satisfy it.” He presents the course as a series of one-on-one training sessions. He customizes his presentation to suit the interests, needs, and schedule of the learner; in my case, there were five sessions, each about three hours long. Each session combines teaching, training in specific learning skills, and some very masterful coaching to bring clarity and focus to what you’re learning.

It’s essentially a course in learning to learn more effectively. But at the same time that Chris is working with the learner to cultivate some very useful learning skills, he introduces …more

Some trivia about the blogger

  • I’m left-handed.
  • I’m the only person in my immediate family who was born in an odd-numbered year.
  • Once I met Nadia Comaneci, and I shook hands with Pope John Paul II at an audience in St. Peter’s Square.
  • Once I slept through an earthquake.
  • I’m impatient with people who make noise in movies.
  • The day after I arrived in Japan, Emperor Hirohito died.
  • I was born in the year of the Tiger. I enjoy this meaningless distinction better than being a Capricorn.
  • I was in Poland in 1980 when the Solidarity Movement strikes began. (I swear I had nothing to do with them. I was in Warsaw at the time…although I did go to Gdansk the day after the strikes started.)
  • I used to have a pet cockatiel, Jack Nicklaus “Nicky-bird”
    Cockatiel Swanson Gumnick, but he died last summer at the age of 20. I buried him under a lemon tree in my backyard. I grew that tree from a seed I planted when I was a freshman in college.
  • I have an opinion on everything.
  • I can say at least a word or two in nine languages. The only one I’m really good at is English, but I’ve made a lot of recent progress in Spanish.

© 2007 Edward F. Gumnick

A Nonbinding Resolution Establishing the Blog

WHEREAS: I have been meeting many interesting, interested people who’ve expressed curiosity about my ideas and, specifically, my writing,

And WHEREAS: I enjoy spending lots of time talking to those curious people, but there are only so many hours in the day,

And WHEREAS: I often find myself repeating the same stories and observations over and over again to different people,

And WHEREAS: Spoken conversations, though delightful, usually produce no permanent record that can be shared with others,

And WHEREAS: I want to cultivate the habit of producing publishable written material on a regular basis,

And WHEREAS: I have ready access to the medium of the Internet and to the tools of blogging,

THEREFORE be it resolved: That I will establish a weblog and post material to it on a regular basis; that I will make its existence known to such people as might be interested in reading it; and that I will be curious to see where it leads.

© 2007 Edward F. Gumnick