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50/50 Exercise #29: Foolproof

The plan was to focus on his own dreams.
The plan was to learn to be happy alone.
The plan was to keep things light.
The plan was to have some fun with his friends.

The plan was not to let down his guard.
The plan was not to get sidetracked by a smile.
The plan was not to be the first to say “I love you.”
The plan was not to replace all his answers with fresh questions.

The plan was not foolproof.

2 comments to 50/50 Exercise #29: Foolproof

  • Gayle Goddard

    This was especially clever – what was the assignment? Something about repetition, I assume. I love how it sounds so earnest about all aspects of “the plan”, then at the end it says “the plan was not foolproof.” Made me laugh, because it so perfectly sums up everyone’s experience of plans of any kind where love is concerned.

  • efg

    The assignment focused on the word “foolproof,” with its usual freight of contradiction. (Label something as foolproof if you want to make sure that it will fail.)

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